Welcome to Deer Creek Church of Christ
You’re Welcome Here
Since 1948, we have sought to bring the saving message of the gospel to the greater Shasta Lake community. Join us in song, service, worship and prayer at Deer Creek Church of Christ. Come and be a part of this thriving and hope-filled congregation.
We are blessed to be meeting in person again.
Schedule of Services
Study of God's Word, prayer and worship form the basis of services at Deer Creek Church of Christ.
Sunday school for youth and adults is currently on hold due to the Corona Virus pandemic
Sunday worship service is held at 11:00 am

Sunday Service
We meet on Sunday for worship in song, remembering Jesus' sacrifice in the Lord's supper and a sermon at 11:00 am. Children's worship service meets after the Lord's supper service.

Bible Group
Our midweek prayer and Bible study session is currently on hold due to the Coronavirus pandemic

About Us
We believe that the Bible is the perfect word of God, and contains everything need for salvation. We believe that Jesus is the divine son of God, born of a virgin, fully human, and yet fully divine. Jesus' perfect life, and obedient sacrifice of his life on the cross made eternal life obtainable for those willing to believe on him, and to obediently submit to him as Lord.
At the Deer Creek Church of Christ, we welcome everyone seeking to know God’s love. We invite you to open your heart and allow His grace to change your life.
Our church stands as a beacon of hope in Shasta Lake City. We are a place of acceptance, peace and joy to all who are moved to join us. Our church family is diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together. Get in touch to find out more or join us for a service.